“Meet our human, Lindsay Fisher. She and her childhood dream brought all of us together at Wrangler & Friends. Sometimes we see her cry with a smile when she sees us be brave, or do something because our hearts tell us - that’s really important to her. Our human learned to care for our physical needs at Purdue University, where she earned her bachelor’s degree in animal sciences. She kept learning at Indiana University, earning a master’s degree. Then, our Lindsay served as an instructor and research assistant at Purdue’s Center for Animal Welfare. Today, she teaches next to us every day as a registered riding instructor and as a believer in kindness.” - Wrangler & Friends
“I prove every day your past isn't your future. When my human found me, I had a lacerated eyelid, my skinny sides were covered in bite marks and I was scared, very scared. If a human walked past me, I'd run and hide in the corner of my stall, trembling. Slowly, I believed in humans, I gained friends and I climbed mountains on my four, tiny hooves. I'm a little horse, who teaches big things as a registered therapy horse to kids, adults and families struggling to make sense of their pasts for a better future. I am the true meaning of what Wrangler & Friends stands for.”
Love, Wrangler
"I think I'm a comedian, people laugh whenever they're around me. Especially, when I'm instigating tag with Lammie, jumping on my own playground or hogging treats. I love with all my heart, all the time."
Love, Twiglet
“I'm Lammie! Years ago, I was just a little lamb, found alone and cold on a roadside. A family took me in and loved me into a strong and kind sheep. When I grew up, my family knew it was time for me to share all that love and strength with kids -- that's how I ended up being Wrangler's very first friend and Wrangler & Friends' sweet sheep."
Love, Lammie
"When my best horse friend and human passed away, I was without a family. Now, I’m one happy mini mule with my own herd to love and protect. One alerting hee-haw to my human and predators are running the opposite way, fast. When I’m not on duty, I love taking naps in the sun with Wrangler and getting my long ears scratched!"
Love, Rosie
"People always notice my striking features first, then they see my kind eyes. My human always says she could write a book with the things my eyes say. I love teaching others to take a breath and see what I see."
Love, Chloe
"I was born the day before summer camp 2018! As I grew up, kiddos from one of our school programs thought Cookie was the right name for me - I tend to agree. Now, that I’m all grown, I have my own indoor 'rabitat', where you can find me throwing my toys in the air, lounging in my rabbit house, or standing up for attention. I travel to cities throughout the state working with school social workers and children to overcome obstacles."
Love, Cookie
"As a lesson teacher, I've taught so many kids to love learning and riding. As an ambitious soul, I helped my human build Wrangler & Friends from scratch. Together, she and I built this caring business from one rider to a whole mission. I'm not sure who runs faster to see each other in the mornings, me or her."
Love, Starry
"Years ago I was found chained to a t-post in Pulaski County. The farm had been shut down just in time to save my life. Humans weren't kind to me and I have the scars to prove it. But, I gave humanity a second chance and, boy, I'm glad I did."
Love, Leo
You can find me wherever the kids are! I love to supervise any project that includes yarn or string. I jump, I run, I make funny noises. I am one with the kiddos and proud of it. I heart being Wrangler & Friends’ classroom cat!